It’s been a very long time since I have penned down my thoughts. I guess by now people might have got a feeling that I have walked out of this beautiful blog world. Well I had taken a short and unannounced break but never out of this world. How can I walk out of this beautiful world which gave me such adorable friends?
Well to begin with I had to go through a very painful break up from one of my oldest relationships………Hey did I give you some wrong ideas…………by break up I meant quitting my Job….. Something I treasured for a very long time. Been there for 7 long years….. it was more like a second home to me, a place where I got to meet such lovely people that they were more than colleagues to me. We built up our gang of 4 girls in less that 6 months and to this day we remain very close. None of us work together in the same place anymore since all have since moved to different jobs/places. Scattered across the globe would be the precise word to use. As I sit and type this out I’m truly missing them like crazy…… :-(
Once I quit the job I was back at home for more than a month making the necessary arrangements for what I quit my job. Then there was the usual running behind Jelly and getting her used to the fact that her mom is going to be with her day and night……Yes you heard me right…..I have taken over handling only the home front for some time….not sure though how long.
After all these up’s and down’s came a long flight journey and managing the baby all alone…away from the comforts of having doting in-laws and parents at our disposal at any said time. Settling into an alien place, a new home and that too with an extremely naughty toddler is truly something I had never really dreamt of doing. But here I am doing all this and more.
Well, we have moved continents and have set up home for the time being inFrom the ever noisy, crowded and homely
When back at home in dear old