Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Letter To My Dad......

I very clearly remember the first time I met my dad or rather saw him. My eyes were just getting adjusted with the new environment around. The lights in the room were too bright for me to keep my eyes fully open. But from the corner of my eye I could see my mom, the person who had carried me around for the earlier 9 months of my life. She looked at the door of the room with a tired but excited smile. It was then I saw a person standing in front of my crib. He just looked and looked at me in awe. The first words he uttered were ”Oh my God , Look at her!! She is soooooooo cute, look at her skin it looks so delicate and near to transparent too.”

Little did I know that he was my Dad? In the days to come I got to see him often. But that was limited to the times when he would come to my Granny’s house on the way back from his work. Come weekends and I would get to see him more often and for longer durations. He would sit by my side not knowing what to speak to me or how to play with me or for that matter even hold me. I would not blame him because this was his first chance with a new born baby.

After 3 months of my life on earth we went to “our home”. It’s from then that I got to know him better. After dinner when we went to our room it would be just the 3 of us - mom, dad and me. As I got to know him better he got to know me better too. He loves his sleep to the core. At any said point of the day he would be ready for a nap or even a good sleep. But after I came into his life, all hell broke loose. The naughty one that I am would never sleep in the night. There were days when I would cry and cry like there’s no end. He would forego his sleep and take out the car and take me and mom for a long drive, at the end of which I would sleep tight. For my mid-night feeds he used to wake up and still wakes up to fill the bottle and give it to mom so that the whole process is not too heavy on her.

Now that I have become naughtier and interactive compared to my baby days, Dad and I have a blast in the evenings after he returns from work. We do have our rounds of tussles too but hey what is life without some up’s and down’s. I drive him crazy at times that he gives me a tiny whack on my tiny butts. But the moment I’m asleep he comes by my side , kisses me and tell mom ”Just look at her ! The kid who is a major terror through the day looks like an angel when asleep………….”

What can I say to this person who helped mom to not just to bring me into this world, but is also helping me to mould my life in a better and stronger way to face this competitive world…………………………….I know I have not given a great start to your day but still ”Happy Birthday Athe!!!!!!

Tons of Umma
Jelly..........(Ok from Amma too, without her help I would not be able to post this letter to You )


Mira's mom said...

Hey, that was really cute! And, the sleep part is absolutely true for Mira's papa too. The only difference is that he doesn't get up at all when Mira asks for milk in the night - it is only poor me who does it everyday. Sigh :-(

Shruthi said...

That was cute! happy bday, SM!!

Wunderyearz said...

Mira's mom: Its my way of thanking him through Jelly's letter for the support he gives ;-)
Poor u ....... I know how difficult it would be.

Shruthi:Thanx!! Wishes passed on to SM.

Aryan-Arjun said...

Ahha...That was a very sweet letter..Happy Birthday Jelly's DAD. I loved reading this in angles words...

K 3 said...

Cute! Happy B'day Jelly's dad.

(Stopping by for the first time, nice blog, be back later)